How To Install Netflix On Mag 322
Thread: Netflix thru MAG 254
06-29-2015,04:57 PM #i
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Netflix thru MAG 254
Is there a style to use Netflix on the 254? I've tried through the internet connexion menu, have gotten to NF and entered my info but cannot go anything beyond that. Seems like it should be easy in my mind~
06-29-2015,05:11 PM #2
- Rep Power
- 12
I tryed and got a message maxim I needed Google chrome, Firefox ot internet explorer to view Netflix.
06-29-2015,07:05 PM #3
I tried Netflix two dissimilar way on my Magazine 254. I got the message that Netflix was not comparable on this box. Possibly now that infomir is supporting apps they will add Netflix.
06-29-2015,07:25 PM #4
The easiest way is if the admin makes the necessary in the stalker portal and permit yous to look it through the portal.
06-29-2015,07:50 PM #5
sooner or subsequently all apps will be cantankerous platform
07-06-2015,11:09 PM #vi
- Rep Power
- 16
Hello guys
is there whatsoever update on trying to meet Netflix using the Magazine 254?? Possibly from the inner portal of Infomir??Relocate Puerto Rico Channels WKAQ-TV(7781) to Aqueduct 2 , WAPA-Tv (7782) to Channel four , WIPR-Television (7783) to Channel half dozen & WLII-Television receiver (7784) to Chanel 11.
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